Chocolate cookies

Chocolate cookies with oats and banana*


A healthy snack that can cure your need for a sweat snack

Serves: 7 (of 60gr)


1 cup of wholegrain rolled oats (chopped)
2 bananas (medium size)
2 spoonful of chocolate- coverture (chopped)
1 spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder


Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Place the oats, bananas and cocoa powder in a food processor and mix them for a few seconds until the mixture became a stable and homogeneous mass. In case of the mixture is very hard, add a small amount of almond milk. Place the mixture in bowl and add the chocolate. Mix well all the ingredients and give shape to the cookies with the use of a spoon. Place the cookies in a pan above a baking paper (the mixture gives 7 cookies of 60gr each).
Bake for 15 minutes at 180 °C. Leave some time to cold the cookies and enjoy them before or after a workout.


The recipe gives in its entirety / per piece:

Energy: 709 / 101,2 kcal
Proteins: 28,1 / 4 gr
Carbohydrates: 166,4 / 23,77 gr
Fat: 15,3 / 2,18 gr

Published in Runner Magazine issue 108, by Thodoris Mitsis Consultant Chef & Healthy Food Developer,

* vegan & gluten free

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